
Trey's first book, A Seeker’s Guide to Inner Peace: Notes to Self, has received a number of positive reviews (see below) from readers. He also received the following review from Katie Davis, spiritual teacher and author of Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment. Katie was encouraged by Eckhart Tolle to write her book.

"A Seeker's Guide to Inner Peace is a spiritual gem. I love this well written and intelligent book. The light of love, compassion and wisdom shines through every page. Trey Carland writes in a personable and pragmatic manner that is both kind and wise. The reader is fully engaged and one senses that they could be sitting in the same room with the author enjoying an open and honest conversation with a true Heart friend.

The book is a journal of life situation encounters that reflect deep insights and realizations. They skillfully support the inner pathway to conscious freedom and inner peace. Throughout the book, Trey shares inspiring quotes, recommended books, helpful practices and meditations to meet those apparent obstacles the seeker meets. He then gently points toward the ever open doorway to the light that one genuinely is. The "Notes to Self" demonstrate a deeply contemplated life that is fully enriched by direct understanding.” ~ Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment

Other Reviews from

"With well-written prose, authenticity, vulnerability, and humor, the author shares the stories and insights from his journey on how hardship and difficulty in the form of seizures brought him a deeper sense of inner peace and an awakening to the ability to know himself in a way he previously never thought possible. This book will inspire many to accept life's challenges as an opportunity to look within and discover the peace that passes all understanding and is not dependent upon external circumstances." - Brian Piergrossi, Author of 'The Wow of the Now' and 'The Big Glow'

"When I started reading this book I couldn't put it down, I found it to exceptionally interesting because there were so many chapters and it covered many areas with great insights from Trey. This book brought me to tears many times because it taught me so much about Love and forgiveness. At the time of reading this book I had been feeling pain because of the loss of a relationship. Chapters 39, 43 and 49 opened my eyes and helped me with finding some deeper truths about myself. The words in this book came from his heart and I have to say it was such gift to me and it really reached my heart." - Diane

"This book from Trey Carland is an intelligent and an extremely well crafted book. If you are actively pursuing spiritual enlightenment, non-duality and self-realization then this book could help you a lot. This book offers lots of wisdom and practical steps to help you lead a happy and peaceful life, moreover you will be able to relate with the experiences shared by Trey. This book is the manifestation of the author's passion for Truth. I had some real "Aha" moments while reading this book and was really touched." - Jeff

"Trey Carland has put together a wonderful book that records his own journey trying to make sense of our world. His book is a wonderful book - especially for a person who might be new to this type of spiritual quest. It is readable, full of unigue and penatrating insights. Reading it more than once allows you to get into the depth of some of his experiences and reflections upon those experiences. I am a veteran of many years of meditation and spiritual seeking and,in spite of having read a tremndous number of books on this subject, I learned so many new perspectives that are helpful in living a successful live... I highly recommend this for yourself and for gifts for fellow seekers!" - Char

"Trey's book helped me to take an honest look at what is happening Now in my life. His insights and honesty led me further into my own awareness. I was able to rediscover more of my authentic self. Now, which is the key, I AM ready, on a deeper level than before, to move forward. This is all I had hoped for ...and more. I recommend it completely for everyone on the journey." - Stephen

"I have met the author of this book, he is an amazing man. His book came into my life at the exact perfect time. Whenever I open this book I find new insights that had been plainly here in front of me that Trey has presented through his own personal experiences and made them come alive. It is delightful to see him progress throughout the book and know that we too can realize the freedom of who we all are with Grace and expansive teachers such as Trey Carland. I highly recommend this book for anyone searching for spiritual awakening. I have been on a "self-realization/spiritual path" 42 years---I have read many books over the years and I can sincerely say this one has cracked open my consciousness in a major way." - Kindle

Trey has two more books in the making. One picks up where A Seeker's Guide leaves off at the end of 2012 and goes through current day. A great deal has happened over the last few years, which has led to deeper realizations. The third book will be a collection of Trey's favorite insights from his writings over the years.

More About A Seeker's Guide to Inner Peace

Inspired by the works of Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Adyashanti, and many other well-known (and not so well-known) spiritual teachers, this book chronicles the journey of a man enamored with the idea of Enlightenment. Not only are the great wisdom teachings of Advaita brought to life in this book, the inspirations, meditations and revelations experienced by the author are also eloquently expressed.

This book is written in such a way that it appeals to those who have been actively seeking spiritual Enlightenment, as well as those who only have a mild curiosity. The teachings and experiences shared in this book are actually lessons on how to live a happier and more peaceful life. Since this book shares real life experiences with which most of us can relate, it also serves as a road map to bring about a deeper understanding of what Awakening means in our daily lives.

There have been many great books written about Enlightenment, which serve as wonderful pointers to Truth. However, this book was written by a seeker for seekers, which provides an entirely different perspective on how these teachings can change life for the better. Whether you are actively seeking Enlightenment or not, the impact of these pointers can be quite profound. Many may find that being exposed to these teachings through someone like themselves, as opposed to a traditional guru, is much more palatable.

This book is the manifestation of the author’s passion for Truth, and his desire for everyone to be exposed to it in some way. It is written to be receptive to a broader audience than many other books on Self-realization, and could be considered a comprehensive overview on the subject. The journal style in which it is written illustrates the progression and integration process that can occur as we delve deeper into our true Self. It is also full of helpful meditation practices for those who don’t like to meditate.

Since we are all on the same path, being driven by a desire for happiness and inner peace, joining another on their journey allows us to share in the Aha moments as we come to grips with the truth of who we really are, beyond the mind made identity we believe ourselves to be. This book contains numerous glimpses into what is in store for us should we dare admit that we could be wrong about everything.

There are a few ways to obtain a copy.  It is available at in paperback as well as Kindle eBook.  It is also available in all other eBook formats, which can be read on anything from your PC to your Nook.  It is also available to order from Independent Bookstores everywhere.

As for locally owned independent bookstores, I would like to recommend you purchase your copy through one of my favorites – City Lights Bookstore in Sylva, NC, and Malaprop’s in Asheville, NC.